Pokemon stats


The stats are a really important aspect to define a Pokémon and there are a lot of factors that determinate how the final stats of a Pokémon is like. Before building a team and train a Pokémon, you should consider look how the stats of your Pokémon is going to be at the end of the process.

You can use a stats calculator as the link below to calculate the final stats of a Pokémon:


Factors that determinate Stats

So there are in total 5 factors that determinate the final stats. There are the base stats, EV (effort values), the Nature, the IV (Individual values) and the Level.

When training EVs:

Training EV (Effort Value) can be really frustrating at first because stats can't be visualized by a specific number, so you have actually to count EV. Also, when training you should consider using Power Bracelets, Berries, Vitamin and Wings in order to make one stat grow or decrease, without spending too much time training a Pokémon.

Power Braclets:

Power Bracelets adds a +8 on the EV of a Pokémon whenever you defeat a Pokémon. For each start, there is a Bracelet. For example, if I KO an Azulmaril with a Power-Braclet I will get on the attack-EV 9 EV, 1 from the Azulmaril himself and the 8 from the Bracelet.


In case of mistakes, there are specific berries when given to a Pokémon to reduce 10 eV of one specific stat. There are 6 Berries, one for each stat.


Vitamins are items that increase depending on the Vitamin 10 eV on a Pokémon and work just until one stat reaches 100EV. So for example if you have 99HP eV and you use a Vitamin to increase Hp, at the end you will have 100HP eV.


Wings are items that increase EVs by 1 depending on the Wing. There is no limitation with wings.

In the following link is a website which provides a tool called EV counter which can help you get the right EVs for all of your Pokémon in your Party.


When actually training you should have in mind, that if you are training a start, and you have a Pokémon in your party which has space to receive an EV, this Pokémon will also be trained. So use this information carefully.