Battle Basics


When building a team for whatever reason, you should consider thinking a main strategy for a team. Also, you should decide to use Pokémon with different types, which goes well together. What you should also do is actually to try out Pokémon, which are currently more used by the community, or try out teams that pros use and adapt it to yourself.

Consider basing your team around a specific battle mechanic:

Some Pokémon can take advantage of certain effects in ways that others can't, so many trainers either build teams from them, or specifically to counter them. Examples of these mechanics:

Here is an example for a battle mechanic. Here, Pelipper is going to use tailwind to become faster than Jumpluff, to then attack first.

Purposes for individual Pokémon on a team

Every member of a team have a purpose, it can range from sweepers to healers. Pokémon can have many purposes and considering this, here are some purposes that every team in competitive Pokémon has that you should also have.

There are much more than these purposed!

The type chart:

Some Pokémon can take advantage of certain effects in ways that others can't, so many trainers either build teams from them, or specifically to counter them. So give your team variety. Generally, no more than two Pokémon per team should share the same type. This both reduces the amount of common weakness, and allows each Pokémon more opportunities to counter their opponent.